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 (normally $29.94)
Get the ENTIRE Chew the Word series when you get Courses and Stories for over 50% off!
"After several months of struggling with my food choices, I’m finally back on track!" - Edy G. 

"This program is helping more than any before!" -Karen F.

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Chew the Word: Special Offer! 
Only $9  (normally $14.97)
Gain immediate access to:

A 6-week Bible Study that'll show you how to purposefully dive into the scriptures so that you can clearly hear God's direction in how you eat

Stop wondering "what to eat" with our daily sheets that will give you instructions directly from God's Word. 

Get clear with your Weekly Reflections that''ll neatly wrap a bow on the message God is speaking to you! 

"Chew the Word has been really great at helping me DO God’s Word, not just hear His word when it comes to my eating" - Tiffany 
"Take it from a gal who has done Whole30, Keto, Paleo, WW, and everything in between: I knew there was an actual answer out there. I knew God did not intend my life to be so controlled by food. Chew the Word has shown me Truth!! I look forward to digging into God’s word every day now, and He is meeting me and blessing me, and I love Him more and more. Food is not the enemy. Thank you for giving me the key of HOPE when I thought for sure I would die in the dungeon of diet-despair. " - Cathy W. 
"It is bringing me closer to unity with God as well as controlling my eating!" - Zara  
  • Total payment
  • 1xChew the Word [Special Offer]$9

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"This was a very well constructed and thought out program. I responded to questions in a way I didn't realize I could. Very helpful. I will review it again and again." - Julie

"I am so enjoying being in the Word with this study. It has been eye-opening. I enjoy saturating my mind with God's Word rather than my destructive thoughts. Thanks for the encouragement!" - Deanie

"I was getting stagnant in my devo time with God and this has been so helpful in taking my quiet time to another level. Very grateful for this study, thank you!!" - Chelsea

"Chew the Word has been really great at helping me DO God’s Word, not just hear His word when it comes to my eating. In order for us to hide God’s word in our hearts so we don’t sin against Him, we need to meditate and “chew” on His word. This study will guide you in growing deeper in your understanding of God’s word as it pertains to food. Praise God!" - Tiffany

"I thoroughly enjoy reading and completing the worksheets from Chew the Word. Changing the way I think and making good food choices is difficult but Grace Filled Plate is helping me limit my ‘stinking thinking’ and allows me to focus on Jesus’ loving grace and mercy. Thank you" - Sharyl

"I really enjoyed this book, and I finished it! That says a lot for me because I normally lose interest halfway through. Not with this book and I have even ordered another. Great read!." - Sue

"I love everything I am seeing and reading. It's really helping me to focus on what I need to do to allow God to be first and foremost in my life, especially where food is concerned." - Amy

I’m amazed at the way God is using this study in ways I never dreamed." - Cheryl

"I am so glad I'm doing the Chew the Word Bible study at this time! It gets my mind off of ME and onto the only One who matters--Jesus Christ " - Sharon

"I'm on day five of the Chew the Word and it's absolutely amazing. It is bringing me closer to unity with God as well as controlling me eating! " - Zara

"Finding this program gave me such hope and what I had been looking for with a spiritual balance. " - Julie

"I am finding great value in re-reading many familiar passages of His word and really digging into the journal sections each day. This Holy Spirit has really used those passages to speak to me in ways I previously either passed over or was unwilling to have God use in my journey to be rightly related to His good gift of food. It is a daily act of surrender to His way regarding food instead of my own plans and rules. But He is working on and in me and I know He will complete that work! " - Stephanie

"Finding this program gave me such hope and what I had been looking for with a spiritual balance. Thank you, Brandice, you would think it would be easy to let go of dieting rules but when that has been the focus most of your life it was harder than I thought, it's very easy to let the pendulum swing too far the opposite direction. this program always brings you back to Grace and forgiveness and Hope." - Julie

"I love your website Grace Filled Plate. I also am studying Chew the Word. This is a God-send for me. I am telling everyone I know about your website." - Dorothy